
   3dwallpapers.net - who are we?

         We are a group of enthusiasts who decided to create a website which purpose is to select and collect all kind of wallpapers from Internet. This is how 3dwallpapers.net was made. Our wallpapers are gathered from public sources and they are free to use. For more information check our Terms and Conditions.

         We have more than 10 different categories like HD wallpapers, 4K wallpapers, movie posters, video games wallpapers, and a lot more. All the wallpapers and images in this website can be downloaded in the most popular resolutions like Standard 4:3, Widescreen, HD 16:9, Normal and Others ( The Others included resolutions for Google+, YouTube, Twitter Cover, Facebook Cover, iPhone Display and Android Display).

         We hope that our website will please the needs of all visitors. They can leave comments, write posts on our social networks, and enjoy the beautiful wallpapers.

         We will be glad if our images and wallpapers are on every computer`s desktop in the world!
